Lesson 1 - Setup Zybooks & Sensei
Build websites by Christmas
Welcome to Web Development
Computers and phones request content from web servers
Lesson 1 Agenda
- The world today
- New ideas of literacy
- About BACS 200
- Zybooks Readings
Time of Crisis
- Extraordinary time of history
- Crisis produces opportunity
- This class will teach skills that you can use
New Ideas of Literacy
- 1980 - 3Rs
- 1990 - Computers - Microsoft Office
- 2000 - Internet - Google, Amazon
- 2010 - Phone - Social Media
- 2020 - Human Connection - YouTube
Literacy Today
- eCommerce
- Social media
- Crowd sourcing
Literacy Today
- Understand the human impact of technology
- The new literacy is about using technology to connect
- Avoid the harmful affects of technology
- Create sustainable and healthy practices
- Understanding technology is your competitive advantage.
- Workplace restructuring is your key opportunity.
- Literacy is always about sharing ideas.
- You will be hired to help with technology.
Software Runs the World
- Every industry - Retail, Transportation, Health care, Education, Government, Business, Research
- Every aspect of work
- Every business
Web Development
Computers and phones request content from web servers
What will you learn?
- Business and Social Issues
- Technology - how it works
- JavaScript
- Projects - hands-on creative problem solving
- Design - Beautiful pages
- Development - Tools & Techniques
Zybooks Reading
- Sign up for Zybooks
- Reading assigned every day
- If you fall behind catch up
Reading Schedule
- BACS 200 Reading Schedule
- Lesson 1 - Mon, 08-23 - 1.1 Web history
- Lesson 2 - Wed, 08-25 - 1.2 IP addresses and URLs
- Lesson 3 - Fri, 08-27 - 1.3 HTTP
Lessons & Demos
- Lessons for each day with recorded video
- Each class you will learn a skill
- You will be given demo code to show the skill
- Projects will require you to demonstrate your skill
- Work the demos on your own
- Many demos will have recorded videos
Projects & Help
- Projects assigned every week
- Lessons and Project are posted on the Sensei server
- Late project have a late penalty (10% for first week, and 20% for later)
BACS 200 Class sessions
- You will work on your own on the Lectures, Reading, Projects
- Wednesday: 2:30-3:20 Kepner 0090
- Get Help when you are stuck
- No need to attend if you are able to do the project
BACS 200 Grading
- 50% Reading, 50% Projects
- Graded assignments every week (14 weeks)
- Do not fall behind
Reasons to drop
- This class will make you think
- Time - 9 hours per week
Web Servers and Web Browsers
Web servers responds with the requested web pages
You should build something!
- Gradebook and assignments due
- Check Canvas daily
- Contact me through Canvas
- Respond to message I send you
Sensei student account
- Sensei is where lessons and projects are posted
- You have a custom dashboard that tracks your progress
- Activate your student account today
- Worth 10 points (Grading on Tues, Aug 25)
- Do daily readings and exercises
- A student subscription is $58 and will last until May.
- Register at ZyBooks
- Signup at Zybooks for Web Publishing interactive textbook
- Create an account at Zybooks
- Enter zyBook code: UNCOBACS200SeamanFall2021
- Subscribe
- Your progress is automatically recorded and reported
Read lesson 1
- Follow Reading Schedule
- Read Lesson 1 Today (Grading on Tues, Aug 24 - worth 10 points)
- Lesson 1 - Mon, 08-23 - 1.1 Web history
Lesson 2
- Web Servers and Browsers
- Github and Version Control
- Build your first web page