Lesson 16 - Software Maintenance
Reading for Today
- Read 2.9 Band web page
- Follow Reading Schedule
- Software Maintenance
- Testing Your Pages
- Project 6
- URL Game
- Superhero page
Software Lifecycle
- Requirements
- Design
- Code
- Test
Software Maintenance
- What happens after release
- Ongoing improvements
- Next generation of features
Managing the Development
- Test the existing code
- Fix everything that is not perfect
- Extend by adding new features
- Improve the structure and functionality
Simple Planning Tool
- Test
- Fix
- Extend
- Improve
Meet with Stakeholders
- Meet weekly
- Demonstrate your progress
- Agree on next tasks
Project 6 - URL Game
- Solve URL type puzzles
- 10 Correct in a row
- Typically requires about 50 attempts
Project 6 - Superhero Page
- Build a page "bacs200/Superhero"
- Table 5x5
- Images stored in "bacs200/images"
Test Cases
- All testing should be done with specific test cases
- Each test case either passes or fails
- Examples:
- There is a page at bacs200/index.html
- It has a title of Student Profile
- It contains an image
- It contains a bullet list of projects
- It contain 500 words of text
Manual Testing
- A human visits each page and decides pass/fail for each test case
- This testing should be scripted
- Create a page to jump to each place on your website
Automated Testing
- Software tools can visit pages
- Pages can be searched for specific content
Project Page Tester
- Project Tests
- See if you can pass all of the tests
- Eventually this will be required
- This code may still have a few problems so don't worry if you can't solve every test