Project 3 - Amuse Me
Publish a summary of amusing things on the internet
The purpose of this project is to build a simple page that tells about things that you find amusing.
Select three pages on the internet that amuse you and create a page that contains links to the content. On your page, add a heading, description, and hyperlink to the original material. Also include some image on your page for each amusement.
Balance both the business requirements and technical requirements.
Make sure that your page uses a HTML template with valid HTML.
Web Pages
- bacs200/index.html
- bacs200/amuse.html
- bacs200/profile.html
- Basic HTML template
- h1, h2, ul, li, p, a, img
Create a file bacs200/amuse.html
Customize this code for a jump start on the HTML.
``` <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Page Title</title>
<img src="" alt="Logo">
<h2>Amusement #1</h2>
<p>Description ... </p>
<p>Description ... </p>
<p><a href="">Learn More ...</a></p>
See Instructor Solution
- Sample Page Template
- Sample Profile Page
- Sample Amuse Page
- Sample Home Page
- Feel free to copy this code but be sure to customize it.
- Copying code from websites is an essential web development skill
- Build code in Github Repo
- Edit HTML files locally and test
- Test page at your Github Pages website
- Write article "Amuse Me"
Test Your Home Page
- Try this link at YOUR_WEBSITE/bacs200/index.html
- This should show your Test Page
- Keep working until this link takes you to your test page
Grading Your Page
- This project is worth 30 points
- To get full credit all pages should load
- YOUR_WEBSITE/bacs200/index.html
- YOUR_WEBSITE/bacs200/template.html
- YOUR_WEBSITE/bacs200/profile.html
- YOUR_WEBSITE/bacs200/amuse.html
- Try it now.
Use the following requirements as a checklist for your testing
- Links are properly set within the Sensei server
- Page bacs200/index.html exists with proper content
- Page bacs200/template.html exists with proper content
- Page bacs200/profile.html exists with proper content
- Page bacs200/amuse.html exists with proper content
- Home page profile photo
- Amuse Me page title
- Amuse Me page with descriptions of three amusing things
- At least one photo
- Links to external internet content
- Show HTML tags - h1, h2, ul, li, p, a, img
- Page contains valid HTML