Web Apps with Python/Django


Github Pages

GitHub Pages are public webpages hosted and easily published through GitHub. The quickest way to get up and running is by using the Jekyll Theme Chooser to load a pre-made theme. You can then modify your GitHub Pages content and style remotely via the web or locally on your computer.


Automatic Web Hosting

Github Pages provides free web hosting directly from the Git Repo. Changes made to your files are automatically published on the internet.

To make this magic work you must name your repository with a special name. Github sees this name and publishes your pages without any extra work on your part.

NOTE: In previous classes of BACS 200 students were required to sign up for web hosting at Bluehost.com for about $60 for one year. Github Pages are free and available to you through your Github account.

Login to Your Github Account

If you do not have a Github Account then take care of that first.

Note your Github User Name. Mine is "Mark-Seaman".

Create your first repo

Create Github Repo

Github Pages Repo

Github Pages Repo

Create New File

Create Home page


My Name is Tony Stark

I'm also known as Iron Man


Test Your Page