Web Apps with Python/Django


BACS 350 Project Grading

We are four weeks into BACS 350. Here is some information on how the projects are being graded.

Please work to make sure that you get caught up. Otherwise none of the current lectures will make any sense.

The only way to learn programming is to do programming. You will get the value from this class that is proportional to the effort you invest.

Project 1 (30 points)

This project requires that you install the development tools on a local computer and build a Github repo to hold your code. You must create a simple Django app to demonstrate that you got the tools working.

Project 2 (30 points)

This project requires that you build a simple Django app. This will require you to understand views, urls, settings, and templates.

Project 3 (30 points)

This project requires that you build get your Django app hosted at Python Anywhere. This will require you to understand views, urls, settings, and templates. It will also require you to learn about application hosting and deployment.

Project 4 (30 points)

This project requires that you build Superhero News app and get your it hosted at Python Anywhere. This will require you to understand views, urls, settings, and templates. Your app will have one route, two views, two HTML templates and show info about multiple superheros.