Lesson 42 - App Builder
End of Course
- Final Exam
- In lieu of Final there will 3 more lectures
- Lectures will be posted by Tuesday, Dec 7, 1:30 pm
- Projects
- All work must be completed by Friday, Dec 3
- If you have not gotten credit for your projects email me with details
Seaman's Rule of Design
- Step 1 - Solve the problem
- Step 2 - Create a reusable solution (design pattern)
- Step 3 - Always use the solution
- Step 4 - Optimize the solution
Testing Strategy
- Use an integrated strategy to test
- Multi-dimensional test strategy
- Unit testing
- Page testing
- Complete system testing
App Builder
- Web App to write code for new Django Data Types
- Generates runnable code in 5 minutes
- Let's you customize where needed
- Script repeat solutions
- Create test tools
- DevOps scripts
- Continuous Integration
Seaman's Automation Math
- Automate anything you need to do
- 10 times if longer that 10 minutes
- 100 times if longer that 1 minutes
- 1,000 times if longer that 10 seconds
- Automate in 10 minutes
- Do a task with one line of code
Hammer Script Tests
- Use scripts for automation
- Run scripts hourly
- Verify the script output against expected output
- Clone my repo and study the code in HammerTest Source Code
- Build the code and experiment with it
- Set up tests for your favorite web sites
- Do it simple; do it now!