Week 15 - Professional Career
Lesson 43 - Open Source Projects
App Workshop & Catalog
General Prototype App
App Builder
Book Builder
Course Builder
Hammer Tester
Notes App
Static Website
Lesson 44 - Career Opportunity
[Stack Overflow Developer Survey](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021)
Lesson 45 - Craftsmanship
Do no harm - You touch it you own it
Professional commitments
Produce high quality
Be productive
Lesson 44 - Career Opportunity
BACS 350
What you Learned
- Web Apps in Python
- Python Environment and Tools
- Django Web Framework
- Python Venv
- Django App Structure
- Python Anywhere
- Database
- Apps = Data + Views
- Automated Tests
Career Options
- Get hired as a software developer
- Build your portfolio
- Demonstrate your skill
- Build up your Python Anywhere app
- Collaborate online
- Commit to ongoing learning
Software runs the world
- Entertainment
- Retail
- Manufacturing
- Health Care
- Education
Cycles of history
- History is filled with repeating patterns
- Things run in cycles (government, education, economics)
- Each system eventually fails and needs to be recreated
- History turns on inflection points
- Threshold of the Future
Navigating the ice flow
- Boss who climbed Mt Everest
- Slow moving river of ice
- Ladders and ice bridges
- Roped together
- Perils seen and unseen
Crisis = Opportunity
- Necessity is the mother of invention
- Never has there been greater opportunity
- 2020 Perils seen and unseen
Personal Success
- Building skills
- Applying skills to produce value
- Engage in problem solving
Serving Humanity
- You will be successful
- Most will achieve median household income $80,000 within a few years
- Make the world better
- Live a life with purpose
Process for Thriving
- Find a bad problem & Fix it & Repeat
- Collaborate
- Simplify
My History
How did I get here?
- Lessons learned
- Levels of involvement
- Do what presents itself
Personal history
- HP Software Developer - 26 years
- Shrinking World - 10 years
- UNC - 3.5 years
- Started as a professional software developer at 20
- R & D lab at HP
- Technologies
- Disk Drives
- Scanners
- CD-R
- Cameras
- Printers
- All-in-Ones
- Image Editing
Shrinking World - 2007
- Software Development Contracting
- Industrial control systems
- Web-based enterprise management
- Social networking app
- Remote display management
- Philanthropy app
Teaching - 2017
- Life purpose - Learn and Teach Best Practices
- Surprised by teaching at UNC
- More challenging and rewarding
- I will devote the rest of my life to training others
Lessons learned
- Live in the present reality
- Build skills every day
- Dream big - work smart
Shrinking World Training
- 2020 has been a personal inflection point
- Crisis = Opportunity
- Higher education is broken and must be rebuilt
- Cost to students
- Effectiveness of the skills acquired
- Pre-internect practices and tools
- Outdated curriculum
- Modern tools and techniques - best practices
Collaborative Training - Goals
- "The Student becomes the Teacher"
- Open Source Software Training
- Make a difference in software education - tools, technique, content
Collaborative Training - Strategy
- Build open source software platforms
- Invite collaboration
- Create business to use the application software for subscribers
Open Source Projects - Software Apps
- Book Builder
- Course Builder
- Test Builder
- Collaborator
- App Builder
- Serve Others
- Collaborate
- Envision the Future
- You will succeed, but set you sights beyond that.
- Crisis = Opportunity
- Follow the pain - Identify the play
- Find others that see the future
Keep Learning
- Sign up to get ongoing info from me
- Create your own personal learning agenda
- Collaborate with me and others
- Discord Server - Matthew Knopp
- UNC Student & Alumni
- job opportunities
Thank You
- Teaching this semester has been the high-point of my career
- Give feedback to UNC - lloyd.seaton@unco.edu
“The future is here now, it is just not evenly distributed.”
- Steve Jobs