Web Apps with Python/Django


Project 1 - First Django App

This project will be completed in three distinct parts. Each part will be graded so that any problems can be fixed before they compound into larger problems.

Project 1a - Create a Github repository - Due Mon, Aug 23

Goal: Setup a git repository stored at Github that will be used for all the code you will write for BACS 350. All grading will be done by examining the code in this course repo.

Step 1 - Register for a Github account

Step 2 - Create a Git Repo

Step 3 - Test .gitignore

Step 4 - Login to Sensei

Step 5 - Register Your Github Repo

Step 6 - Clone Your Git Repo

Step 7 - Add Screen Shot of Your Files

Step 8 - Add Screen Shot of Book

Step 9 - Test Your Git repo